Thank You!
Today you did an awesome thing!! You cared enough to give our SOWFI 24/7 Wildlife Rescue & Advice Line a call or dropped a creature in need to a vet. It's a wonderful thing to help another species on this planet. With over 800 calls a month in the busy months of Spring and Summer, they need all the help they can get.
SOWFI volunteers will help to coordinate and rescue ANY species, not just the cute and cuddly ones. In fact many other organisations and vets refer animals on to us!
If you think our volunteers are great and you support the work we do helping South Australia's wildlife, you may like to do more yourself? Here are some ways you can!
SOWFI volunteers will help to coordinate and rescue ANY species, not just the cute and cuddly ones. In fact many other organisations and vets refer animals on to us!
If you think our volunteers are great and you support the work we do helping South Australia's wildlife, you may like to do more yourself? Here are some ways you can!
Leave a review!
Please leave a review on one of the social platforms at the bottom of this page so other people know they can rely on us 24/7 for wildlife in South Australia.
Join us this August in the Walk 4 Wildlife Challenge!
We need your help to keep a Wildlife Rescue vehicle on the road 7 days a week to be able to respond quickly to wildlife that is sick, injured and orphaned. Last year we took 5500 calls for wildlife that needed our help. You made one of those calls thank you! Please support our annual fundraiser by registering to take the challenge, sponsor someone else who is or just make a donation to help us help wildlife. Click on the pic below to find out more!